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From Vision to Reality

Enacting the Michigan Talent Agenda will require a multi-pronged approach to leveraging community support and turning it into policy victories.

Political Engagement: The Michigan Talent Agenda has partnered with the Great Lakes Political Academy to recruit and support candidates who will be effective champions of the Talent Agenda once in office.

Policymaker Accountability: The MTA will create policy rubrics to gauge which elected officials are the most supportive of the Talent Agenda – and as importantly, which officials are not. This information will be used both to laud Talent Agenda champions and hold unsupportive officials publicly accountable for their votes.

Policy Development and Advocacy: The MTA will bring stakeholders from across the state together to develop community-based and data-driven policy solutions that will help enact the Agenda. We will then take the broad-based community support we’ve generated and leverage it to win policy victories on the local, county, and state levels.

Grassroots Organizing: The MTA will partner with a wide array of community advocacy groups to generate the broad-based support for the Agenda necessary to take it from idea to reality.

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